Parties Where You Wouldn’t Be Served With Champagne or Cold Drinks, But With COW MILK!!!!


Usually, the party is contemplated to be dancing on high music, having champagnes, and all. But have you ever heard about parties having cow milk to serve and people cheer to it?

Well, Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan kicked off this unique tradition to create a healthier world. Guruji listed out a plethora of health benefits one can attain by having at least one glass of milk every day. However, the cold drinks or other things prevailing usually in the parties just endanger the health and do nothing to boost immune or help in any other way.

It was grand premiere show of ‘Jattu Engineer’ on May 17, 2017, when the ‘Cow Milk Party’ concept was initiated and visitors in thousands relished in a healthy environment and cheered with cow milk. Even a World Record got created and Guruji was honored with ‘Asia Book of Records’ representing 19713 people drunk cow milk altogether!

Cow milk is brimmed of nutrients, a good source of protein, good for bone health, keeps your heart healthy, and most importantly, it’s a good source for weight loss without letting your body feeling any sort of weakness at all. Guruji further claimed that cow is generally called ‘Mother or Mata’ and the reason is, its milk is always good for our health and boosts immunity in a wondrous way, which none another substitute can ever do. So, let us adopt these healthy ways of living by adding ‘Cow Milk’ to not just routine but also to serve it in parties so that your guests also don’t put on unhealthy substances in their tummies.

Let us bring change in our lifestyle and make it healthier. Let us not take poison and never let people take it by opting for cow milk parties!


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